About Us

Our story began back in April 2021, our boutique started in our craft room area, a small space dedicated to inspiring women to build confidence in who they really are, crafting beautiful pieces of jewelry that had a sparkle mixed with love, positivism and beauty to enhance women natural uniqueness that will help us to not just look but also feel beautiful not just inside but outside as well.

Our mission is to bring to the beautiful women we serve a line of clothing that is cure, elegant, trending and affordable. If you are having a girls' night out, a weeding, a birthday party or just to hang out around family members or friends, we truly believe we have something specially picked for you.

My Name is Veronica and just like you there was a time that i needed a little help finding the right outfit for that special event, now with the help of my beautiful daughter Maite we are working together serving our beautiful women with love and a lot of respect, this is what we do and this is who we are, we love you and know that what is coming for all of us is greater and better.